every hearts day.
would you be my valentine?
actually. it's pretty idiotic for us to have a love day to acknowledge those you love. I could write down the names of those who are in my heart. but it is enough that they exist in my heart and show them (in different ways) that I actually love them. socialize, laugh together and cry when you need - with someone who comforts you, be a support when the wind blows, be available when they want to share something funny or sad, listen, talk about things, hug and appreciate them for who they are. and all this I rather do on weekdays than on a holiday.
something I don’t like is when everything is so over-done. For example, Christmas Eve. I hate Christmas because it is so over-done. all the stress of buying Christmas presents, which people do not even have a need for. everyone do the dress up, there is excessive amount of food, (the same food every holiday), which no one are able to eat up anyway. and everything should be so perfect. Christmas Eve has become terribly overrated. what happened to socializing with those you love and have a blast night? instead of disappointed faces when they didn’t get the Christmas present they wanted. Christmas present! What the hell is a Christmas present when you can not celebrate Christmas Eve with your grandfather? for example.
it is enough that I love those I love. and they know it. 365/12. all day around the year, every year.